Business Process Optimization

Inefficient processes are usually not designed that way - the inefficiency evolves over time when conditions change and the operation does not adjust to accommodate those changes.
Eventually, key processes must either be redesigned for optimal performance or new processes must be designed and put into practice, if the organization wishes to maintain its competitiveness. When that time comes, we are here to help. BBA personnel have many years of experience in business process management and analytics, applying process design principles, simulation optimization techniques, and artificial intelligence methodologies to re-engineer and optimize business processes across multiple production and service industries, including banking, telecommunications, transportation, finance, automotive, and food and beverage processing. Our principals have taught these techniques to university students at the Undergraduate and Master's level for over 15 years.
The Simulation optimization system

Simulation and Optimization
Our approach revolves around a core simulation and optimization methodology, where we build a simulation model of your process so that we can test creative design ideas. Once we have an ideal design, we use metaheuristic optimization methods to optimize the capacity and reliability of the process with respect to one or more business objectives. The methodology is known as "Simulation Optimization" and has been the subject of numerous articles and conference presentations in both academia and practice (click here for a detailed, technical description of the approach).